
PhotoBioModulation Therapy (PBMt) Solutions

PhotoBioModulation (PBM)

Delays or Recovers mitochondrial functional disorder. 
More than 8,000 worldwide clinical trial studies support this. Light source of certain wavelengths increases cell regeneration, by increasing the ATP, fuel for the cells. Red and Infrared wavelengths enhance circulation and increases energy production.  Light is Life itself.  Sunlight oversees life, aging, disease, and death of all living things on the earth.

PhotoBioModulation supports the body’s cell regeneration, and this reaction lasts for a certain amount of time even after the light has been removed. The proof that this light source enhances metabolism is supported by the biological and chemical metabolic pathway where ATP is produced by each mitochondrion due to light absorbing enzyme.


Metabolism is a very important process to health. Red and Infrared wavelengths activate the mitochondria, increases the Adenosine-Triphosphate (ATP) synthesis that is needed for energy. The cell’s mitochondria use oxygen, light, and nutrients, and turns them into energy, ATP. The more energy that the body has, the faster and easier the cell regeneration, and immunity balance is maintained. 

PhotoBioModulation Therapy WORKS!

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