Sports Performance & Recovery

PBMt Sports Performance and Recovery


PhotoBioModulation Therapy (PBMt) Red-Infrared Light Therapy Increases energy at the cellular level and increases overall bodily energy. That increased energy translates into increased stamina, endurance and an improvement in strength and speed that will then generate the optimal performance level.

Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC

When cells become more active, cellular oxidation (the process by which your body rids itself of waste products) becomes more efficient. Active cells will help the body dispose of waste more expediently resulting in increased stamina, endurance and blood circulation. A better circulation means that more capillaries (fine blood vessels) exist to deliver oxygen and essential nutrients to your cells. Increased oxygenation and cellular nutrition result in less muscle damage during workouts. This means that you can boost your workout level, sustain less tissue injury, and recover more quickly. 


PhotoBioModulation Therapy (PBMt) Red-Infrared Light Therapy Increases energy at the cellular level and increases overall bodily energy. That increased energy translates into increased stamina, endurance and an improvement in strength and speed that will then generate the optimal performance level.

When cells become more active, cellular oxidation (the process by which your body rids itself of waste products) becomes more efficient. Active cells will help the body dispose of waste more expediently resulting in increased stamina, endurance and blood circulation. A better circulation means that more capillaries (fine blood vessels) exist to deliver oxygen and essential nutrients to your cells. Increased oxygenation and cellular nutrition result in less muscle damage during workouts. This means that you can boost your workout level, sustain less tissue injury, and recover more quickly. 

Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC
Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC

With heightened energy, cells perform their specialized functions more efficiently, leading to less muscle fatigue and your body’s ability to complete more intense workouts while experiencing less exhaustion. The onset of post-workout muscle soreness is delayed, and pain is lessened. The cellular changes triggered by PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy work hand-in-hand to upgrade you to your personal best athletic performance level.

Muscle Development

Muscle growth is compounded through ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate Production) and the resulting cellular energy boost. Your body’s new ability to work out more intensely naturally invokes a higher level of muscle development. Improved cellular efficiency, increased oxygenation, and better circulation all lead to your highest muscle-building potential. By pairing PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy with a personalized exercise program, you can build up to your greatest potential muscle mass.

Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC
Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC

Tissue Repair, Sports Injury Prevention, and Healing

The impact of regular workouts on bodily tissues is successfully treated with PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy, as are serious sports injuries. Even routine daily exercise and repetitive motions present stress to your muscles and other bodily tissues. The anti-inflammatory properties of PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy along with increased hydration and oxygenation serve to relieve muscular pain and stiffness that occurs post-workout. Muscle spasms, knots, cramps, and pain are weakened or eliminated. Your body heals through a natural healing process. 

Collagen and elastin are primary components of muscle and connective tissue. The elevated collagen and elastin levels evoked by PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy stimulate healing, accelerate muscle and tissue recovery, and strengthen tendons and cartilage. The potential of sustaining a sports injury is lessened when PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy is part of your fitness routine. If you do sustain an injury, however, your body’s ability to heal more quickly has already been triggered at the cellular level if you have been regularly utilizing PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy, enhanced blood flow, reduced inflammation, and higher oxygen levels in your cells help to heal muscle and tissue damage and internal bruising at the quickest possible rate.

Muscle Recovery

Because of the mild, warm sensation bestowed by PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy, some muscular pain relief might be experienced immediately upon after-work out treatment. Results will vary from person to person and by the severity of the pain or injury. Individual response to PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy is unique. It is certain, though, PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy will enhance athletic performance, speed up recovery time, and help prevent injury in anyone. However, the effects of PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy is not Permanent. / No external treatment or procedure will keep up your muscle mass or fitness level on its own. The only way to build and maintain new muscle and increase fitness performance is to continue to exercise and practice a healthy lifestyle along with PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy. As long as you keep up your efforts PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy will help you rise to new levels.

Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC
Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC

Sports Event

PRE-SPORTS EVENT: Stretching and performing a proper warm-up before a sports event is essential for injury prevention. PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy supplements the warm-up process. Through a process called vasodilation, blood vessels dilate and improve blood flow throughout your body. Increased oxygen levels, more cellular energy, and better circulation prepare the body to perform to its highest potential. When used before a sports event PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy will: maximize muscle performance - promote muscle growth - improve muscle tone - help prevent injury - increase hydration - increase oxygenation - increase stamina and endurance - boost energy level through heightened ATP levels - reduce post-workout recovery time - decrease stress on muscles, joints, and tissues. 

POST-SPORTS EVENT: Recovery time after a sports event is crucial. During recovery is when your body actually gains the full advantage from your sports event. The body gets stronger because this period of rest serves to replenish your store of energy. Recovery time is essential for building endurance, gaining muscle mass, and repairing tissue damage.

The recovery benefits of PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy include: acceleration of tissue repair and muscle recovery - reduced exhaustion and fatigue - decreased muscle and joint pain and soreness - improved hydration - better circulation - increased injury-healing power -   elevated oxygenation - reduced inflammation

Woman Checking Waist Line In Front Of A Mirror — Niceville, FL — Body Dynamic Solutions LLC

Since some of the post-benefits are the same as pre benefits, PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy after a SPORTS EVENT also promotes better performance in future workouts. PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy before a workout provides the greatest performance-enhancing benefits as well as the best measure of preventing tissue damage or injury during a workout. PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy after working out provides the greatest rehabilitation, joint pain relief, and injury-healing benefits. 

A SPORTS EVENT, together PBMt Red-Infrared Light Therapy generates a winning combination for a comprehensive performance and recovery for an Athlete that is Safe – Non-Invasive with No Drugs - No Surgery.

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